Game Story
The creation of a new earth has begun, and with it, the greatest battle for world domination.
You strive to be the leader of the most powerful country on the planet.
However, at the same time, thousands of others have begun pursuing the same goals.
Your success will depend on mastering your leadership skills and building your new country, finding new friends from around the globe and prove that you are the best leader in the world!
Good luck with your mission Commander!
iGindis Team
 iGindis Games
iGindis is your way to make new friends around the world without any language barriers.
Using our in-game translator, messages will automatically translate so everyone can communicate and understand each other instantaneously.
The game world leaders is a massive multiplayer game that supports thousands of players in each world.
 New world leader
A big uprising overthrew the existing government in your country.
As the leader of the uprising you have unlimited authority in the country to lead and rebuild it.
The government has elected you and your strategy to build the country into an empire.
This note is for your eye only...
Our new country needs you as our leader, we all support you and will follow you to whatever end...
Lead us to victory so your name will be remembered worldwide and everyone will speak of it in times to come.
You have all the tools to build and develop your leadership skills and our country, find allies and friends from around the world.
Are you ready to lead Supreme Commander?
You will begin as the leader of a small country and through diplomacy, strategy and skill, you’ll expand your rule over the entire world.
Your goal is to ultimately become supreme to all others and lead thousands of players worldwide.
Using everything from diplomacy to war, you must strive to build an empire, both economically and militarily.
The game contains: Resources, Factories, Stock Exchange, Weapons Markets, Diplomats, Alliances, United Nations, a Spy Center, a War Room, an Economic System, Technology, World Events, World News and very advanced Artificial Intelligence.
Weapons in the game: Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs), Tanks, Artillery, Anti-Air Missiles, Helicopters, Fighter Jets, Ships, Submarines, Fighting Robots, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Aircraft Carriers and Ballistic missiles...
Leader options: Hundreds of spy, war, diplomatic and economic possibilities that will help you decide how to build your empire.
 Account data
We collect your basic device information to create your unique account on our system.
Facebook accounts will save your data in case you move to a new device.
Guest accounts data will not be saved in case you move to a new device and can only be played on the device you originally started on.
 First actions
* Check your country's economy and improve it. (a strong economy will result in your country being a strong empire)
* Improve your country’s diplomacy by sending offers to all your friends and allies.
* Improving the technology in your country will make it easier for you to defend your country.
* Do not attack at the start rather try to build and strengthen your country.
* Spy on countries to acquire important information and keep track of who spy on your country.
* Weaken other countries by conducting spy operations.
* When you see an opportunity to weaken another country that is at war then join the attack.
* Join an alliance and make friends from around the world, allies will help you economically and militarily.
* Check the resource bourse and weapon markets for the right price to buy and sell.
* Make sure you connect daily to collect your turns.
Protection for new players
Every new player receives protection at the start.
* Protection from an unconventional ballistic attack for 3 days.
* Uzbek Guards protection for the next 3 days.
* Safe Bank and Blackout protection for the next 24 hours.
* Your monthly budget is calculated by the number of civilians that live in your country as well as the profit you make from trading with other countries.
* Civilians are recruited into the army. The more troops you recruit the less taxes you will collect.
* It is important to develop the country's education as it will increase your monthly income.
* Improving the relations with other countries will improve trade and thus you will collect more taxes.
Land is necessary for your country’s growth.
You need land for your civilians and to build factories.
You can obtain land in two ways:
* Send your army to conquer land in another country.
* Accumulate 1 unit of land for every 5 turns played.
If you have 0 units of land after being conquered you will have the option to start over as a new player.
You receive taxes from civilians after every turn.
* If all the civilians in a country are killed, the country will lose and you will have the option to start over as a new player.
The game World Leaders uses a turn based system.
Every 20 minutes you will receive 1 turn.
The turns are used for almost every action in the game.
If you do not have enough turns then just wait until you have accumulated more turns to play.
You are not required to be in the game to accumulate turns.
The system will recognize your leader name and will automatically calculate the time since your last visit and calculate your turns available.
The maximum number of turns you can get is 72, however you can store up to 365 turns.
You get extra land, money and resources from the factories when you use your turns. (Going to war, sending spies…)
In some actions that you perform the system will enter a cool down period, once this period has finished you will be able to execute the same action again.
 Action Type - Turns Needed - Cool Down
Explore land for resources - 3 Turns - None
Build resource factory - 3 Turns - None
Build weapons using resources - 5 Turns - None
Satellite action - 5 Turns - 1 hour
Air Reconnaissance (UAV) - 5 Turns - 30 minutes
Spy mission - 5 Turns - 5 minutes
Commando attack - 7 Turns - 7 hours
Total War - 25 Turns - 4 hours
Border Skirmish - 6 Turns - 1 hour
Bombing raid - 7 Turns - 30 minutes
Navy attack - 10 Turns - 45 minutes
Deep Sea - 12 Turns - 1 hour
Blackjack - 7 Turns - 30 minutes
Storm At Sea - 12 Turns - 12 hours
Stealth Attack - 10 Turns - 12 hours
Artillery Barrage - 5 Turns - 40 minutes
Seek And Destroy - 5 Turns - 50 minutes
Ballistic attack - 20 Turns - 24 hours
Fight rebels - 5 Turns - 10 minutes
Weather control weapon - 15 Turns - 12 hours
Cyber Attack - 5 Turns - 5 minutes
Sending U.N. request - 20 Turns - 72 hours
 Economy and Industry
It is important to improve the economy and industry in your country as it will help to strengthen it.
 Explore the land
Once you discover a resource in your land, you will have the right to build a factory and use its resources.
There are 15 types of resources you can find in your land and each resource will be needed to build your weapons.
The resources you can find: Wood, Coal, Iron, Copper, Aluminium, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Titanium, Gas, Petroleum, Gems, Diamonds, Uranium and Rare Minerals
Each resource is needed to build factories that produce resources and build weapons.
Weapons can be used, sold or bought from the weapons market.
 Resources bourse
The resources bourse updates prices for all resources once daily.
The price depends on demand. Increasing demand for a specific resource will in turn increase its price. Increasing production of a certain resource will determine a decreasing price.
As country leader you should decide what factories to build and in what resource type you should invest.
Sell at the highest prices and gain profit to continue to develop your country.
For resources:
1. You will need to explore the land for resources.
2. You can keep the exploration cards for future use.
3. Once you find a resource it will allow you to build a factory that will produce the resources.
4. You can build multiple factories.
5. The resources can be traded, sold, bought or used to build weapons & units.
6. Each resource has its uniqueness and price in the bourse.
7. Building weapons will need civilians. Once weapons are sold in the weapons market you will receive civilians in return…(You just need to sell the weapon)
Factories will allow you to produce additional resources for your country.
* Factories will produce new resources every turn that passes.
* You may destroy your factories to clear some land, but there is no reimbursement on the purchase price.
* You may always conquer another player's free land.
 Research Center
The research center will help you to improve your country's offensive and defensive capabilities.
* If you develop weapons of mass destruction and you reach the final level, the option to use it will be unlocked.
* If your research facility gets bombed all the research will be lost to defend your country well.
* Should Satellites, Robotics, Energy and other technologies reach max level new options will open as leaders.
Here you can manage your country’s relations with other leaders and send aid to your allies.
Contact other leaders and send them messages, partnerships offers, shipments...
More actions you will take means more chances you will have as leader to be on top.
Remember your goal is to make new friends from around the world that will come to your aid in a time of need.
See list of messages you received from other leaders with an option to reply to them.
As a leader you can contact other leaders using a list of translated messages.
The idea is that you will send the message in your native language and the system will automatically translate your message to the other player’s language.
This way all can play without any language barrier. (The game supports over 35 languages worldwide)
* The messages will be deleted 7 days after the opponent reads them.
Contact other world leaders and offer them the following (multiple options allowed):
If the leader agrees then a partnership is established and both countries will benefit from it.
 Trade Agreement
The trade profits depend on the civilian number of both countries.
Your goal is to enter into as many trade agreements with countries in the world as possible.
More trade agreements equals more money for your country in each passing turn.
 Research Agreement
The research bonuses depend on the technology levels of both countries and will help you reduce the prices of technological new levels.
Your goal is to enter into as many research agreements with other countries in the world as is possible.
More research agreements equals less money you will need to pay for each technology.
 No Spying Agreement
If you want to trust your friends send them a no spying agreement, you will not be able to spy on them.
The agreement is for both sides and will raise your trust with other leaders.
 United Nations Support Agreement
In case you need support with votes in the United Nations this agreement will notify the leaders you have an agreement with them to enter the United Nations and vote in favor of your requests.
The notifications will appear to both countries in case of requests or resolutions in the United Nations.
 Friendship Agreement
Both countries will sign a peace agreement and there will be no war actions for both sides.
In case of friendship you will be able to send or receive money from the countries you sign with them.
 Alliance Agreement
The alliance agreement will allow you to send shipments of resources or arms to your allies.
More allies you will have means more power you can get in case of war.
The allies also can see your country army data and read news connected to your country.
* You can be in alliance and have allies from other alliances. (In case of conflict you will need to decide in which side you will be...)
* You cannot attack or spy on your allies.
Allow to send shipments of resources, weapons and money to allies.
The shipments goal is to help your allies to build their countries and in case of war to help them win.
* It takes shipment 24 hours until it arrives at its destination.
* You will need to deploy 50 troops to defend the shipment and in case the shipment arrives the troops will come back to bases.
* You can send shipments only to countries that you have alliance partnership with or to your alliance members.
* The shipment can contain resources, weapons or money. (One type only)
* The quantity of the shipment can max 10% from resources or weapons and for money it's up to 1% max.
* Once the shipment will arrive the leader must claim it within 24 hours or it will return automatically.
* Country can receive multiple shipments at the same time but can send only one shipment at a time.
* Only when the shipment arrives the country can send another one.
* Commando troops can capture shipments of enemy countries.
* Unmanned Aerial Vehicles can detect shipments of other countries.
* Countries that have blockades cannot receive shipments.
If two countries agree on offer then a partnership agreement is signed.
The More partnerships you will have, the more powerful your country will be.
You can promote relations with countries by offering new partnership agreements or reduce relations by canceling signed agreements.
 Check other leaders
The system will allow you to check other leaders’ status, some basic country data etc...
From this screen you can do everything with the selected leader from sending spies, war actions, diplomacy, united nations...(Countless options and decisions that you will need to make as leader)
In the alliances screen you will be allowed to create an alliance group with common ground or just join an existing alliance.
Choosing your alliance can be very important for your future in the game.
Each alliance can contain hundreds and thousands of leaders from around the world.
 Creating an Alliance
Creating a new alliances will automatically make you the alliance leader.
You can select the alliance flag, choose the alliance name, write a description and invite members to join your alliance.
To bring order to your alliance we have added the option of password protection. If you leave the password option empty anyone can join your alliance.
 Alliance Leader
Is able to change the alliance's information, evict other leaders that are not active or participate in war. They are also allowed to use the alliance bank to send money to new members or members that got hit by other countries.
As alliance leader you will receive messages from other alliance leaders to join forces in wars and you must lead and navigate your alliance to become the strongest alliance in the world.
* The alliance leader writes the agenda in the description and makes sure all members read it before joining the alliance.
Alliance leaders have the option to evict members from the alliance for 72 hours.
As alliance leader you can evict up to 5 members per day.
 Alliance leader automatic replacement
Alliance leader will be replaced in case of:
* The alliance leader not being active for more than one week.
* The alliance leader decided to go into vacation mode.
* In case the country of the alliance leader got destroyed.
 Join an Alliance
Become a member of an alliance - all for one and one for all!
As a member you will be able to see all the members of the alliance and send them messages.
If you join an existing alliance you must comply with the alliance rules. As a contributing member you can donate some money to the alliance bank, join joint alliance attacks and join the alliance wars.
* You must remain in it for a minimum of 3 days (72 hours). After this time you will have the option to leave the alliance.
* You cannot join an alliance in case you attacked or were attacked by a country in the last 72 hours.
 Red phone
As a member of the alliance you have the option to use the red phone and send urgent messages to all alliance members.
 Joint Alliance Attack
As a member of the alliance you have the option to coordinate attack on country or other alliance, you select the joint alliance attack message, time frame and you can see who from the members will join and participate in your attack.
* You can see a list of members that join the attack.
* List of planned attacks and you can select to join one.
* The time for each attack can be from a few days planning to a few hours.
Mark your target and give your alliance members the option to demolish your enemies.
 Send Offers to all Leaders in Alliance
As members of the alliance you have the option to send quick offers to all members to become your partners.
 Send a Message to all Alliance Leaders
As members of the alliance you have the option to send messages to all alliance leaders.
Select your message and send it to all.
 Search Alliance
You have the option to search alliances by name or by alliance number.
 Alliance Bank
* All members in the alliance can donate money to the alliance bank.
* The alliance leader decides what to do with the money and to whom to give it. (Alliance leader cannot send money to a leader that took an action of war in the last 24 hours)
* Everyone can see the list of who donated to the alliance and to whom the alliance leader sent the money.
* As a member you can donate money to the alliance every 24 hours.
* Alliance leaders can use the money to send it to other alliance members only.
* Alliance members can get aid once every 24 hours.
 United Nations
One Earth, One global human nation, One for all and all for one!
The United Nation can help weak/small countries and can also help restrict big countries.
U.N. Rules
* The price to send request is $100 Million
* Leaders can send one request at a time. New requests cannot be sent until a request becomes a resolution or is gone.
* You cannot send the same request type for the next 14 days on the same country.
* You cannot change your vote.
* Requests that do not gain a majority vote will be removed from the U.N.
* In case a request gains a majority vote, it will become an U.N. resolution and it will be active for 72 hours. Afterwards, the resolution will go into the book of history.
* If the request is accepted and becomes a resolution then all countries will need to comply.
* Countries that are active for more than 7 days and have more than 1,000 units of land can vote or send a requests.
* In case a leader lost in the game, all requests and resolutions will stay until time ends.
 Bribe in the United Nations
Bribe countries in the United Nations will help you pass requests that will help your country or your way to restrict other big countries. (It's also the way for small countries to get extra money)
* You can see if requests have bribes or not and in case requests have bribes you will be able to see how much money you will gain. (The bribe depends on the number of civilians your country has).
* You decide how much money your country will add to the bribe pool, and the more you put in, the more the chance more countries you will bribe.
* The base bribe price is $10 for every civilian in the country you wish to bribe.
Because the target country can also offer a bribe, you can fight the bribe cost per civilian. The more you give the better your chance will be to get the request passed.
For example if a country has one million civilians the bribe cost will be $10 Million.
* You will see the bribe option only if there is enough money in the bribe pool to bribe your country.
* The bribe pool will always be used completely and no money will be returned… (So decide well how much you want to use for bribing other countries)
* If a bribe is accepted it's going automatically to the country that accepted the bribe and they will vote in favor of your country in any request.
* Country will get a bribe only if they voted in favor of the country that offered the bribe.
* You can modify the bribe per civilian and add more money to the bribe pool until the request time ends.
United Nations resolutions
If the request becomes a resolution, what will happen?

All must make peace with the country
For 72 hours no one can attack the target country and the target country cannot attack anyone.

All must attack the country
For 72 hours everyone can attack the target country without any rank or power limitations.
* Only Deep Sea, Navy Attacks, Stealth Attacks and Bombing missions allowed.
* In case the target country has a resolution, everyone must make peace and no one can attack the target country.

All must help to restrict arms in the country
For 72 hours the target country cannot buy/sell weapons from the market.

All must lower relations with the country
For 72 hours the target country cannot send/get diplomatic offers.

All must help economically to the country
For 72 hours all countries can send aid to the target country.

All must send more spies to the country
For 72 hours all countries can send spies to the target country with no power limit.

All must ban all economic relations with the country
For 72 hours nobody can send shipments to the target country

We demand to put in court the leader of the country
* The target country will be removed from any alliance and will be forbidden to join back for 72 hours.
* Also the target country will be in chaos and the number of rebels will increase dramatically. (15% of country population can join the rebels).

We demand that all forbidden weapons will be disarmed in the country
* The target country will disarm all chemical, biologic and nuclear weapons. (The technology level will reduce to 1)

We demand to give freedom to the country
For 72 hours no one can invade the target using Border Skirmish or Total War.
* All other attack missions are allowed.
* Also the target country will be in chaos and the number of rebels will increase dramatically. (5% from the country population can join the rebels).
* Should the target country have a resolution, everyone must make peace and no one can attack the target country.
 Spy center
You can use spies for a variety of missions.
This option will be available if you have enough money.
 Satellite photos
The option to use spy satellites will be available once you have fully researched spy satellite technology.
Satellites will allow you to get information such as general military status. You might find a smoking gun (if this country has developed unconventional weapons and how close they are to the point of no return).
* The enemy will not know that you photographed their country.
* In case the enemy has blackout technology activated then your satellites will not be able to see anything.
 Air Reconnaissance (UAV)
The Air Reconnaissance option will be available in the spy room once you have UAVs.
Using them will allow you to detect if shipments are on the way to the target country. After detection you will be allowed to send commando troops to try and capture the shipment.
The chance of succeeding in the mission depends on the UAV technology level vs the enemy anti-air missile defense technology level.
 Commando attack
50 Unidentified commando troops will try to capture an enemy shipment.
The country with a higher troop technology will have a higher chance of winning.
If the operation is a success your troops will redirect the shipment to your country.
If the operation fails all of the troops will die in combat.
All countries involved in the shipment will receive notifications in the news.
Spy mission type
 Military intelligence - Your spy will try to gather military intelligence on the target country.
Success rate: 40% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 5%
If the mission succeeds: You can see the target country's military power.
 Economic intelligence - Your spy will try to gather economic intelligence on the target country.
Success rate: 60% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 5%
If the mission succeeds: You can see the target country's economic status.
 Technological intelligence - Your spy will try to gather technological intelligence on the target country.
Success rate: 35% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 5%
If the mission succeeds: You will see a few random technologies from the target country and what level they are at.
 Bomb airbase - Your spy will try to infiltrate the targeted country's airbase and place bombs near enemy jets.
Success rate: 15% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the mission succeeds: The bombs will explode and up to 12 enemy jets will be destroyed.
 Sabotage technology - Your spy will try to disrupt the work in the targeted country's research center.
Success rate: 10% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the mission succeeds: 1-5 of the target's technology levels will be wiped.
 Damage economy - Your spy will try to infiltrate the stock exchange of the target country and plant a virus that will damage their economy.
Success rate: 17% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the mission succeeds: The target country will lose all available money.
 Steal money - Your spy will try to steal money from the bank of the target country.
Success rate: 13% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the mission succeeds: You will steal 10% from the available money from the bank of the target country.
 Cause dissension - Your spy will try to infiltrate the troop camp of the target country and try to cause dissension.
Success rate: 8% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the mission succeeds: Up to 15% of their troops will leave the army and will become civilians.
 Frame a country - Your spy will try to cause diplomatic accidents between two countries.
Success rate: 5% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 1%
If the mission succeeds: The target country will get a random diplomatic message from the framed country and this can cause countries to lower diplomatic relations or attack each other.
 Support rebels - Your spy will try to deliver weapons and supplies to the rebels in the target country.
Success rate: 18% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the mission succeeds: The number of rebels can increase by up to 500,000 rebels.
 Sabotage missiles - Your spy will try to infiltrate the missile center of the target country.
Success rate: 7% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If mission succeeds: Many ballistic missiles from the target country will be destroyed.
 Assassinate leader - Your spy will try to assassinate the targeted country's leader.
Success rate: 2% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 1%
If the mission succeeds: The target country leader will get hit by the assassin and because of the action the target leader will lose all available turns.
 Rig elections - Your spy will try to spread false news about other candidates and rig the elections in the target country.
Success rate: 3% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 1%
If the mission succeeds: You will be able to access one time to all last spy operations sent by the target country.
 Infiltrate rebels - Your spy will try to infiltrate a rebel group in your country and cause a dissension.
Success rate: 5% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the mission succeeds: Up to 20٪ of the rebels will leave and will become civilians.
 Cyber attack on industrial technologies - Your spies will try to attack using cyber technologies the industry in the target country.
Your country spy levels against the enemy spy levels.
Success rate: 5% - Every spy tech level raises the chance by 3%
If the attack succeeds: Many levels of enemy industrial technologies can be lost.
 Investigate spy - Your agents will investigate spy action that happen in your country.
Chance of success depend on your country counter espionage technology levels.
Success rate: 3٪ and every counter espionage tech level raises the chance by 1٪
If the mission succeeds: You will know who sent spies to your country.
* After investigating the news will be deleted.
Weapons description
 Troops can be used to defend your country from enemy commando raids and can also be used to launch commando attack raids.
 Armoured Personnel Carriers (APC's) are used to carry troops into combat with high level of speed and protection. They are important in battles during war.
 Tanks are very important when total war starts. The more tanks you have, the greater the chance of obtaining land. It is important to note that tanks are also used as the last line of defense upon enemy tank raids.
 Fighting Robots are built with the most advanced technology and are very powerful in land battles. With high fire power, agility and armor they will surely help you to dominate the battlefield.
 Artillery is used to soften enemy troop positions and destroy enemy artillery. A good idea is to use artillery barrage and follow it up with a commando attack. This way the enemy has fewer troops to defend their land.
 Jets are a powerful weapon in the game. They can be used in bombing raids to hit enemy positions. The more jets you have, the greater the chance you have of hitting enemy positions. A good idea is to use them to launch waves of bombing runs before launching a war attack.
 Helicopters are great for attacking enemy tanks and artillery. Helicopters can be used to destroy enemy tanks and soften positions during a war attack. It is important to destroy enemy tanks to allow your forces to conquer more land!
 Anti-air missiles are used to defend your country from air raids (i.e. Jets and helicopters). During battle anti-air missiles are used to defend your tanks from enemy jets and helicopters.
 Ships help protect your shoreline. They also carry huge cannons which attack troops. When used in navy attacks, it can help destroy enemy forces. Be careful of enemy ships which patrol their shoreline!
 Submarines are a great stealth weapon, and can be used to launch stealth attacks on enemy shorelines. Submarines are equipped with torpedoes and guided missiles.
 Reserve troops will replace every troop that gets killed in battle and when you don't have any more reserves than you should start to worry.
 War room
In the war room you can send your army to attack your enemies and conquer land.
The more land you own the more powerful your country will be.
Attack Rules
* You can send a new attack after the cool down period ends.
* Before attacking please check the minimum requirements for that particular attack.
* You cannot attack your allies or friendly countries.
* If you are at war with multiple countries, your army will engage with each country separately.
Attack power range
The target countries you can attack depend on your country's total power and it means more power you will have then more powerful countries you will have to face.
* You can also search for countries which do not appear in the list by typing the Country ID.
* The system will not allow you to attack countries that are significantly stronger or weaker than your country.
* In case of aircraft carriers it will double your power range of attack.
 Aircraft carriers
If you possess aircraft carriers you can have a long range hand to assist your allies and to punish other countries using your fighter jets.
Each technological level of aircraft carriers will allow you to deploy extra 10 jets for distant bombing missions.
2 aircraft carriers with technology level 2 will allow you to deploy 40 jets in an attack.
* Submarines can sink aircraft carriers so be sure you have a strong navy to protect the aircraft carriers.
* In case you do not have aircraft carriers you will only be allowed to bomb countries in your power range.
* In case you have aircraft carriers it will allow you to bomb countries double from the power range.
 Energy Technology
Level 1 -> You will be able to build nuclear powered aircraft carriers.
Level 2 -> You will develop lasers that enhance your anti-ballistic capability, in case of a ballistic attack the lasers will intercept and destroy up to 25% of the ballistic missiles launched towards your country.
Level 3 -> Weather control weapons are very powerful and will allow you to send weather attacks on a specific country.
The attack will hurt the country's economy by devastating it with huge hurricanes. As a result the country may lose it's monthly income and there will be a high amount of civilian casualties.
No one will know who sent the attack. (The option will appear in the war room once it has been researched)
 Anti-air missiles
A single anti-air missile can protect 1,000 km of your land.
The more land you have the more missiles you need to protect it.

Border Skirmish
500 APCs loaded with troops will try to expand your country's border.
* 500 APCs + 10,000 troops are the minimums to perform this action.
* Mission's chance of success depends on enemy APC and troops technology level and quantity.
Attack steps:
Step 1 - The APCs try to penetrate the enemy land and to unload the troops close to the target area.
Step 2 - The troops try to conquer some land.
If the attack succeeds, your troops will expand your country's borders.
1-3% of enemy free land will be conquered.

Total War
Attack your opponent with your full arsenal of power.
With this option you can take land, steal some money and destroy factories.
Step 1
The countries will send their jets and helicopters to attack the enemy's bases. They will target: APCs, tanks, artillery, anti-air missiles and troops.
Step 2
The countries will send their artillery and the side that wins will inflict heavy casualties on enemy troops.
Step 3
The countries will send their ships and submarines to battle each other. The side that wins will start a sea siege on its opponent which means that the losing country will not be able to buy weapons.
Step 4
The countries will send their tanks and troops against the other and the side that wins will conquer land from the other while the main objective is to conquer the entire country.
Rebels in the country do not pay taxes and their only intention is to harm the country.
If the amount of rebels reaches 80% of the country's population there is a chance of a military revolution and you will lose the game.
* When you support rebels in another country, then the target country will be weakened from the rebels and will receive less taxes every turn.
* If you have a lot of rebels in the country, then the best way to decrease their numbers is to invest the country's money into welfare and the rebels will become paying civilians.
 Fight rebels
A division of 20,000 troops will attack a city controlled by rebels in order to liberate it.
Your 20,000 troops versus 20,000 rebels that control the city.
In case of winning up to 500,000 rebels will become civilians.
In case of losing up to 100,000 civilians will join the rebels.
The rebels technology level is 1-5 levels lower than your army's technology.
There is a 5% chance that one of the world powers will decrease their relations with you.
 Cyber attack on military technologies - You will try to attack using cyber technologies the military in the target country.
Your country education levels against the enemy education levels.
Success rate: 5٪ For every education tech level raises the chance by 1٪
If the attack succeeds: Many levels of enemy military technologies can be lost.
 Navy attack
Your ships will try to get close to enemy shores and bomb enemy lines. The attack will consist of all of your ships vs all of your opponent's ships.
If the attack succeeds, many of the enemy's troops will perish.
All of your ships will be used in this attack.
 Operation Deep Sea
50 unidentified camouflaged navy seal troops will try to sink enemy ships.
Your 50 troops versus 50 enemy troops. In case of code red the defender will have 100 troops.
The country with a higher troop technology will have a higher chance of winning.
If you win, your troops will sink 1 to 3 enemy ships and the enemy will not know who sent the troops.
 Operation Blackjack
All your jets will fly above suspected enemy ballistic missile bases and will try to destroy them. Your jets vs the enemy's jets.
In case of winning, many of the enemy's ballistic missiles will be destroyed.
All of your jets will be used in this attack, but you will need a minimum of 50 to conduct this attack.
 Artillery Barrage
Your artillery will bomb enemy positions. All of your artillery will be used in this attack. Your artillery vs opponent's artillery.
If the attack succeeds, many of the enemy's troops will be killed in the barrage.
All of your artillery will be used in the attack, but you will need at least 24 artillery for this attack.
 Seek And Destroy
Your helicopters will try to penetrate enemy air-defenses and launch rockets at enemy positions. Your helicopters vs opponent's anti-air missiles.
If you win the enemy will lose many apc's, tanks, robots and artillery
All of your helicopters will be used in the attack, you will need at least 12 in order to launch the attack.
 Stealth Attack
Your submarines will try to maneuverer close to enemy shores and launch guided missiles at the anti-ballistic missile centers.
Your submarines vs opponent submarines.
In case the attack succeeds the enemy will lose many anti-ballistic missiles without knowing who sent the attack.
All of your submarines will be used in the attack, but you will need at least 3 in order to launch the attack.
 Storm At Sea
Your entire navy will be sent in a surprise attack with the goal of destroying the enemy's navy and starting a siege.
Your entire navy will be used in the attack, but you will need at least 5 ships and 5 submarines in order to launch the surprise attack.
 Bomb military targets
All of your jets will be used in this attack, but you will need a minimum of 75 to conduct this attack. Your jets will be sent to bomb enemy bases.
If the operation is a success: Many of the enemy's apcs and tanks will be destroyed and the enemy will suffer large troop casualties.
The chance of the mission succeeding depends on your country's jet quantity and your jet technology vs enemy's anti-air missile's quantity and technology.
 Bomb industrial targets
All of your jets will be used in this attack, but you will need a minimum of 50 to conduct this attack. Your jets will be sent to bomb industrial zones inside enemy territory.
If the operation succeeds: The enemy will lose a few levels of researched technology.
The chance of the mission succeeding depends on your country's jet quantity and your jet technology vs enemy's anti-air missile's quantity and technology.
 Bomb research targets
All of your jets will be used in this attack, but you will need a minimum of 100 to conduct this attack. Your jets will be sent to bomb an enemy research facility.
If the operation succeeds: One research facility will be destroyed. The attack will always target the facility with the deadliest weapons. Meaning that the nuclear research facility will be targeted first followed by the biological facility and lastly the chemical facility.
The chance of success depends on your country's jet quantity and technology vs the enemy's anti-air missile quantity and technology.
 Bomb civilian’s targets
Your jets will infiltrate enemy airspace and attempt to bomb a large city.
All of your jets will be used in this attack, but you will need a minimum of 25 to launch the attack.
If the operation succeeds: A large amount of civilians will be killed in the attack.
The chance of success depends on your country's jet quantity and technology vs the enemy's anti-air missile quantity and technology.
 Launch ballistic missiles
The attack will launch ballistic missiles at the country you pick and you will be allowed to choose the warhead type.(You must fully research the warhead before being allowed to use it)
Important to remember
1. If the target country has anti-ballistic missiles then they will intercept your missiles before they hit their target.
2. If you kill civilians the world superpowers will decrease their relations with your country.
3. The ballistic missiles you launch will target the largest cities.
4. The damage that the ballistic missile will do depends on the quantity you launch and the warhead type you choose.
 regular warheads
Every missile that hits it's target can kill up to 100 civilians.
 chemical warheads
Every missile that hits it's target can kill up to 1,000 civilians.
 biologic warheads
Every missile that hits it's target can kill up to 50,000 civilians.
 nuclear warheads
Every missile that hits it's target can kill up to 1,000,000 civilians.
In case you do not have a strong Navy your country can find itself under siege.
When there is a siege on the coastlines of your country you will not be able to use the markets until the siege time will end.
* To have a strong Navy, make sure you have ships, submarines and aircraft carriers.
There are 3 types of news: Spy, War and World.
When you login to the game, the system will check if you have any news and will notify you on the main screen.
* In world news you will be able to see all the latest war developments happening the world.
 Ranks & Power
Range of powers in the game.
The ranking table is updated every day and your rank depends on your leader's power.
Your total power is calculated by: military power and economic power.
Your country will have an event every few days and there are variety of events good or bad.
The type of event will be random and relevant to your country size.
 Daily system update
Every day the system runs a script that updates the players ranks, alliances status, removing old news and messages...
 Losing in the game
You can lose in the game if your country loses all the land or civilians.
When losing you still will have access to see in the news what happened. (We keep for you messages, news, allies information, etc…)
In case of losing you will have the option to restart as a new player.
When restarting you will lose everything you had in the country, including your army, technology, economy, factories, resources etc… but you will keep your country name and player number.
 Worldwide top leaders - Hall Of Fame
Leaders that will be ranked #1 continuously for more than 7 days will automatically be entered into the world leaders hall of fame.
The leader's status will be recorded and our team will contact the leader to receive an iGindis reward.
The rewards can change all the time and new challenges will appear. (Please read more in our social media)
 Resetting the World & End of a Season
Our team will try our best to balance the game to avoid restarts, but as everything in life things will eventually need to restart.
In case of a restart the below will happen
* We will notify the community one month ahead before any the restart will happen and notification will appear when entering into the game.
* 3 days before the restart all power restrictions will be removed and all can attack all with no limits. (All United Nations requests and resolutions will be gone and entering into the United Nations will not be allowed)
* When restarting all countries will lose everything they had including the army, technology, economy, factories, resources, news, messages, shipments, alliance bank etc… but we will keep the countries and capital names, player numbers.
* Your tokens status will be kept for next season and in case you unlocked static options with tokens in the game it will be ready to use for the next seasons. (Static options means: New spy missions, New war actions and New United Nations options)
* Tokens that you used in the game to get more money, turns, land, resources, technology, weapons, diplomacy and alliances actions will not be given back.
* You can see how much time has passed before restarting will happen by clicking on the player information screen.
* Hall of fame recordings will be kept for next seasons.
When you complete an achievement the system will record it in the achievement list and then you can claim your reward.
You can define what kind of notifications you want to get from the game to your email.
By default notifications are disabled, but you will get all kinds of notifications and you can change it in the player information screen click on notifications or disable them by clicking on the email link to unsubscribe.
Type of notifications you can receive: new seasons, war news, spy news, new messages, new offers, United Nations request and resolution, new event...
The system will not flood your email with notifications.
In case you already received a notification you will not receive another one until you enter the game.
We cannot guarantee that you will receive an email in case of a war/spy action taken against your country.
 World Leaders is a FREE Game
However, in order to pay for the servers, further development and effective support we need your help.
By buying packages you help us cover these costs.
Thank you for your support!
 Free Tokens
If you love the game please help us by telling your family and friends about it.
Your support will help us improve the game and add more options to it.
You can get unlimited tokens for free if you use your referral url and invite your friends and family to play the game.
You will receive 200 tokens for each player you bring into the game using your referral url. (The player must play at least one game)
You may also collect 100 tokens a day by watching ads and you can even earn more tokens by completing tasks.
This is a way that you can support us and help us grow and it will allow you to unlock all the options for free.
Your support is important to us and helps us continue developing the game.
Thank you for your support!
 Friends & Daily Gifts
Mark up to 7 leaders as gifts allies. You will then have the option send and receive gift packages from them daily.
If you do not have gifts allies yet in the game then click on the option to invite and send your family and friends an invitation to play.
To mark an gifts ally, just enter your ally country number and the system will send a request from you.
If the leader approves your request then you will be allies and can send & receive daily gifts.
Send Gifts
Send gift packages to your gift allies.
* The gift package can contain extra turns, land, resources...
* You can send a gift package once a day to all your allies and receive up to 7 aid packages every day.
* Do not forget to click on it daily so your allies will receive gifts from you, and in a time of need you will get help from them.
You will get extra bonuses when you and your allies send each other gifts daily.
For every 7 gifts you and your ally receive from each other you both will get extra turns bonus.
The bonus will be given when clicking on the claim gifts button.
If you did not receive gifts from your ally then the bonus will be on hold until you both receive 7 gifts from each other.
 Help us add your language
If you love the game please help translate World Leaders to other languages.
We will be delighted to accept your help.
Sound effects credits go to: http://www.freesfx.co.uk/
Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy the game!
iGindis Team